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How it Helps.
Play therapy gives the child catharsis, and gives them insight into their own issues. By allowing the child the freedom to express what they’re going through, play therapy can help the child to:
What is Play Therapy?
It is a form of treatment that helps children and families to express their emotions, improve their communication, and solve problems. Play therapy capitalizes on children’s natural ability to express their feelings and resolve conflicts through play. Play therapists use various media, including storytelling, puppet play, drama, music, dance, sand play, painting and drawing, and board games. Play therapy is most appropriate for children ages 4-12 years of age, or with families with children that age.
What to Expect.
At times children and families explore the playroom freely, engaging in spontaneous play. At other points they may involve themselves in specific activities, such as drawing family scenes, using puppets to act out events in the family, creating a scene in a sand tray, telling stories, or playing specially designed therapeutic board games. Children and families also use the opportunity to talk about their feelings, their relationships, and difficulties in their lives.
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